Monday, April 29, 2013

State of the blog: recovering.

And the blog returns from its holiday at the seaside. The blog is now happily resident on the main RationalWiki server. Just waiting for the DNS to resolve everywhere. I also need to fix the front page images (missing because of the way I did the import).
The next holiday at the seaside will probably be in a week or two, when I’m busy moving house. But I’m sure our contributors will write in great volume to take up the slack. Just as soon as I get around to recreating their accounts on this instance.

We also have an insanely dull front page, just waiting for a burgeoning blog network full of interesting people to spontaneously manifest from the quantum ether.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

State of the blog: addled.

The site the RationalWiki Blog is presently living on is fine for what it is, but what it is includes not being up to our needs, hence the blog's party-stopping yoyo impression for much of today. We're finally getting around to doing the sensible thing and setting it up on the main RationalWiki server (which just got its memory doubled, so there's actually room for stuff). Please excuse hiccups in the meantime.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Site slowness.

The site is frequently running ridiculously slowly. At present I don't really know why. Sometimes it's obvious (load average 30, Apache/PHP compiling lots of slow queries running), sometimes it isn't (when it was slow this afternoon). The system still has plenty of memory free. The squids don't show an unusual rate of hits on the site. Further updates at RationalWiki:Technical support. At least we can all be puzzled in a fully informed manner.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Short downtime for upgrade some time during 10-11 April 2013.

RationalWiki gets an upgrade! Per the details here, Linode has doubled everyone's RAM for free. Trent will be putting the various machines into upgrade queues today. He will stagger the upgrades starting with the Squids to limit downtime. However, when the backend is upgraded the site will not be available.

(We are very happy customers of Linode and can heartily recommend their service. This is a referer link that gives RWF a few pennies.)